
Home / Sekool

Director: Stenzin Tankong

Script: Stenzin Tankong

Photography: Jigmet Wangchuk

Editor: Stenzin Tankong

Music: Tsewang Phuntsog

Cast: Tsering Yangchen,Urgain Topgay, Stanzin Chokphel, Fida Hussain Tangtrong, Ruchi Mathur

Production: Sonam Chorol, Skalzang Tundup, Nyago Ete, Stenzin Tankong

Country: India

Year: 2019

Length: 14’


Set in a remote nomadic region in the Himalayas: A Nomad kid is excited about going to school, until he learns that it would mean leaving behind everything he loved.


Bio: Stenzin Tankong has graduated from Symbiosis center for media and communication with specialization
in film and television. Stenzin belongs to a nomad tribe called changpa in the remote Himalayan region of
Ladakh (India). Apart from directing and writing his own films, Stenzin also works as an freelance assistant
director in Mumbai in projects ranging from feature films to television commercials. Sekool is his 5ft short film