The event
UMBRIA FILM FESTIVAL was born with the aim of sharing and meeting through one’s passion for cinema.
Since 1997, the event takes place in the medieval town of Montone thanks to the collaboration of Associazione Umbria Film Festival, the town council of Montone (PG) and London’s Riverside Studios.
The Festival happens every Summer during the second week of July.
All screenings are free of charge and are held in the Piazza, a key place for public discussion actively engaging both guests and audiences.
Every night the Festival proposes a selection of shorts for kids followed by a feature film: a fantastic programme including international premieres of films and shorts, exhibitions, talks and masterclasses.
Thanks to the Artistic Direction’s steady research, to the work and enthusiasm of our volunteers and with the help of the town council, we make the best of cinema culture available to one and all. And in this period of uncertainty, cinephiles flock to Montone knowing that they’ll be able to enjoy a precious event and be reassured by the magically intimate atmosphere every screening provides.
So far we’ve offered more than 100 previews, about 500 shorts for kids, over 50 side events (exhibitions, concerts, masterclasses, panels), about 100 works by young filmmakers and hosted over 50 protagonists of the international cinematic scene.
UMBRIA FILM FESTIVAL is now an established and eagerly awaited event for celebs, directors, actors and cinephiles alike.