Twinkle The Tooth Fairy

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Twinkle The Tooth Fairy


Title: Twinkle The Tooth Fairy

Director: Han Seoa

Screenplay: Han Seoa, Park Eugene, Jeon Dayoung

Animation: Jeon Dayoung, Kim Mingyung, Park Eugene, Kim Jisoo, Han Seoa

Editing: kim Mingyung, Han Seoa

Music: Chae Minjoo, Park Eugene 

Distribution: Kaniseed

Year: 2021

Country: South Korea

Length: 6′


Tinky is a tooth fairy who long-forgot its childhood innocence. In the midst of achieving “the tooth collecting king of the month” several times, it meets Tutu, a reckless and wild intern. Tutu interferes with Tinky all the time. Tinky, who feels threatened because of Tutu, ends up exploding and making a big mistake.


Han Seoa

Han Seoa was Born in Suncheon in 1998. She is studying at ChungKang College of Cultural Industries of Animation School.