Drawings 2020

In April of this strange year, in the middle of the virus emergency, we decided to set up a project with the Danish director Lone Scherfig that documented children’s dreams in Montone.

The idea was to see their thoughts and wishes for the future depicted on any surface and with any tool.

Therefore, we have contacted the school-teachers in Montone, and they have welcomed the project enthusiastically, putting us in touch with the families.

18 children have joined DRAWINGS 2020.

The result is a sensitive and emotional short film, in which children stage different visions of the future: the freedom of a balloon, islands with rainbows, travels around the world and especially the desire to get back together.

Drawings 2020 was conceived and supervised by Lone Scherfig, edited by Paolo Panella and set to music by Francesco De Luca and Alessandro Forti. Rachele Parietti and Cristiana Rosini organized it.